Synch Issue
Hi I've been using Easybooks on my ipad for a number of moths
now, including the synch facility, and it's been excellent, really
easy to use, and eveything has worked like a dream.
Today however I wanted to check that changes which my husband had
actioned on his ipad version were synched with mine, and I've been
unable to access the synch facility. When I access the synch part
on EB, it takes me to the sign in section, I've signed in, (had to
request a password re-set, as the original password was not
working), and each time time I login I get the page telling me
which add-ons I've purchased, and that my online synch 6 is valid
until March 2012, etc. but immediately a pop up comes up with
"SYNCH" Failed to login. I've never seen this before, and I tried
to search your help pages on my ipad, but evrytime I tried to
search past discussions, or to search knowledge base, I receive an
error page "The operation couldn't be completed NSURLError Domain
I've deleted easybooks and re-installed, I've taken an external
backup and re-stored from this, and finally, I've purchased another
6 months synch, even though I don't think my current 6 months has
Please can you advise how I can resolve this.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Admin on 03 Oct, 2011 12:59 PM
Hi Ronnie,
First thing: don't worry, I'll get it sorted out. You already have a backup it sounds like, so there's nothing to worry about!
It sounds like there may be something in your password that the app doesn't like. There was an issue with symbol characters in passwords, and it sounds similar. When you log in from the device by typing your password, it's captured by the Easy Books app on your device and is re-submitted separately to request a longer, more secure device password and token. From what you've describes, it sounds like the second attempt to log in is failing, even though you see the web page showing the products you have installed.
If you like I can reset your password, or you could try doing it from a browser. Choose a long password, but stick to just letters and numbers (no spaces or other symbols). See if that works, or let me know if you'd like me to reset your password. This will send out a new email from the system containing your password in an attached file.
Please let me know how you get on.
2 Posted by ronnie on 03 Oct, 2011 01:36 PM
Hi Mathew
Thanks for the advice, I have changed the password again and it's still giving me the same pop up error message.
What next?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Admin on 03 Oct, 2011 01:57 PM
Would you mind sharing your password with me so I can see what's happening? The discussion is private, and I'll remove your password from the notes. Please don't send me the password if it's one you use anywhere else, or even similar, just in case this can be read by a third party. If you're happy to do so, I'll try to login using my iPhone and see why the message is appearing.
4 Posted by ronnie on 03 Oct, 2011 03:46 PM
Hi Mathew
Just wondering if you had any update on this issue for me?
Support Staff 5 Posted by Admin on 03 Oct, 2011 07:30 PM
I cannot log in over the web site at all.
I am using...
username: xxxxxxxx
password: xxxxxxxx
Did you change the password since emailing me? Would you like me to reset the password for you?
6 Posted by ronnie on 03 Oct, 2011 07:38 PM
Hi Matthew
I did try to change it again, so it's now xxxxxxxx.
But please feel free to try to re-set yourself to see if you get any joy.
7 Posted by ronnie on 03 Oct, 2011 08:43 PM
Hi Mathew
I'm so sorry, I'm a clown I've been trying to sign in using my email address instead of the user name. It just came to me in a flash, that I was doing something wrong.
I've signed in and synched the data.
Thanks for looking into it, and sorry for wasting your time!
Support Staff 8 Posted by Admin on 04 Oct, 2011 07:23 AM
No problem, I'm glad you got it sorted out.
One thing to mention is that the other device will continue without needing to be re-signed in. This is because when you sign in, the device is given its own much longer password and device id. These are stored in the device's keychain, which cannot be read from the device.
If you do sign out on the other device, just remember to enter the latest password you set.
All the best,
Admin closed this discussion on 04 Oct, 2011 07:23 AM.