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Why can't I buy EasyBooks through iTunes in France? As I live in France is there any other way of buying it?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Admin on 10 Oct, 2011 04:06 PM
Hi Christopher,
Easy Books uses standard encryption to contact servers when using Online Sync.
About two or three months ago the laws in France required developers to make a declaration with the French government regarding encryption. I have already done this with the United States BIS for sales worldwide and unfortunately there are not the sales in France to justify my time to apply. So instead I removed the app from sale in France. This is actually the only country you cannot use it, I'm sorry.
As far as I know the law is still in place, but if you find out anything that would allow me to just tick the box, please let me know!
Mathew Waters
2 Posted by Christopher on 10 Oct, 2011 05:40 PM
I just wish I could buy from the USA through iTunes in the same way I can using Amazon.com or Kindle. I do think it's crazy that iTunes restricts customers to the country they live in. I lose out by not being able to buy your app and you lose out by not being able to sell it to me.
Admin closed this discussion on 10 Oct, 2011 05:54 PM.
Admin re-opened this discussion on 11 Oct, 2011 07:29 AM
Support Staff 3 Posted by Admin on 11 Oct, 2011 07:29 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I've re-read the email from Apple (below) and it does indeed seem that I can sell the app in France because I use no encryption in addition to that built into iOS. So whereas in USA I needed to apply for an export licence, it does appear that I mis-read this email and I don't need to for the French market after all.
I will make the app available again in France today. Just for you.
Apple's email to developers:
"Starting in the first week of July, apps that meet the following criteria are required to comply with French Encryption Laws/
Regulations if you intend to distribute your app in France.
This requirement applies to apps that use, access, implement, or
(a) any encryption algorithm that is yet to be standardized by international standard bodies such as IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU, ETSI,
3GPP, TIA, etc. or not otherwise published; or
(b) standard (e.g., AES, DES, 3DES, RSA) encryption algorithm(s) instead of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS
and/or Mac OS X
Apple will require you to upload a copy of your approved French
declaration when you submit your app to the App Store.
Relevant French encryption regulations can be found at:
Apple Export Compliance "
Admin closed this discussion on 11 Oct, 2011 07:30 AM.
Christopher re-opened this discussion on 11 Oct, 2011 08:15 AM
4 Posted by Christopher on 11 Oct, 2011 08:15 AM
Dear Mathew Waters,
You're a star, thank you very much. I'll buy it straight out, no evaluation
All the best,
Support Staff 5 Posted by Admin on 11 Oct, 2011 08:17 AM
Don't you dare! Try it first and see if it suits you. I'm here to help if you need it.
Admin closed this discussion on 11 Oct, 2011 01:04 PM.