Invoicing / Statements

Bob L.'s Avatar

Bob L.

15 Apr, 2013 03:51 PM

I am currently teaching private lessons in China. My schedule is the same every week.
1. Is there a way to make a template for my invoicing - then I could just select a student(s) and a template and all of the blanks are entered
2. I will send out a statement at the end of the month to all students. Is it possible to change the protocol so it does not say an invoice number but says ESL class instead.
3. Can I print portrait or just landscape
I am sure there are other questions but I just downloaded and started reviewing it tonight. So far it looks pretty good. I need to make a decision quick so the more I can automate it the better. Any other ideas are appreciated.
My classes have between 1 and 4 students and the rat varies depending on the students so that is not complicated.

I am looking forward to your help.


  1. 1 Posted by Bob L. on 15 Apr, 2013 04:02 PM

    Bob L.'s Avatar

    Additional information:
    I do not need to create an invoice for every class, just a transaction. On the invoice that is crested it has the detail ESL Class. How do I get that to transfer to the monthly statement. I do not need an invoice number, I track by date and that is there.

    On all of the invoiced I will need a line that says 1/2, 3, or 4 students for 1 hour, 1.5 hour, at $$$$ per hour. This is where the template would be real nice. Or call it a blueprint, whatever. I select the student, select a template and the date is entered. I just select the date.

    If it handled recurring transactions it would be wonderful. My transactions are always the same week to week, etc. How to do this?

    I am looking and trying to see where to edit things but I am not there yet so your help will be greatly appreciated.

    How do I delete the expense accounts I do not need? How do I add the ones I need? I like it so far - pretty straight forward and my needs are very simple I think.

    Bob L

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Mark on 16 Apr, 2013 12:22 PM

    Mark's Avatar

    Before I read all the details and reply, can you tell me if you have seen the web-site and read about the features? We are currently updating this information, as we know it could be better, but just seeing how much information to include for you.


  3. 3 Posted by Robert Larsen on 16 Apr, 2013 01:24 PM

    Robert Larsen's Avatar

    Karen, thanks for helping. Yes, I have seen the web site and already
    read the articles you sent to me. I am really trying to automate this
    process as much as possible.

    1. I have 30 different classes every week. I have anywhere from 1-4
    students in a class.
    2. Some students have 2 or three classes a week.
    3. Pricing is very stable and I use RMB but that does not matter
    A. 1 hour is 250 for 1 or 2 students
    B. 1.5 hour is 375 for 1 or 2 students
    C. 1 hour for 3 students is 300
    D. 1.5 hours for 3 students is 450
    ` E. 2 hours for 3 students is 600
    F. 2 hours for 4 students is 640
    4. The schedule repeats itself every week
    5. Trying to set it up so that when I bring up a customer I can bring up
    a blueprint of his program or project and just add a date and hit enter
    6. Would I need to have a new e=document for every week or could I put
    all of the months activities on one document and then have it print the
    7 Never used bookkeeping software before. I used excel and entered
    everything manually all of the time and it was a royal pain

    Maybe this info will help to understand what I am trying to do.

    Thanks in advance.


  4. 4 Posted by Robert Larsen on 16 Apr, 2013 01:51 PM

    Robert Larsen's Avatar

    Karen, I forgot one thing, I would like to have the dates for the clsses
    on the invoices also.



  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Mark on 17 Apr, 2013 10:04 AM

    Mark's Avatar

    At the moment, the best way to enter this, is to use Time Tracker, but this may not simplify the process as much as you want, We are about to release a services feature, along with stock, where you'll be able to do this simply.

    The dates of the classes can then be specified when the invoice is sent.

    Using the Time Tracker, we do have a customer who enters this already and a discussion thread which talks about it. It's not ideal, but we are testing the Services feature, so it should be here soon, and you could then switch.
    I'm sorry it is quite long.

    I hope this helps slightly, thank you for your patience.


  6. 6 Posted by Robert Larsen on 17 Apr, 2013 11:04 AM

    Robert Larsen's Avatar

    Thanks Karen, I will review it as soon as my classes are over this

  7. 7 Posted by Robert Larsen on 17 Apr, 2013 03:22 PM

    Robert Larsen's Avatar

    Hi Karen, I thought it may make it easier if I passed you a copy of my
    schedule. It is the same from week to week, month to month. I thought
    this may help you see what I am trying to do. The prices are at the
    bottom of the schedule:

    1/2 students is 250 an hour
    3 students is 300 an hour
    4 students is 320 an hour

    I am really hoping to find a finance program that is easy to use and will
    handle this type of recurring sales so to speak. I cn set it up by time
    if it will run from month to month with me just adjusting the dates and
    then printing an invoice. The little boxes that appear when you add a
    transaction are nice and just need to change dates I think and I may use
    that feature. What do you recommend for this type of invoicing.

    One other thing. I send out invoices for the whole month on the 20th of
    the month and payments are due on the students last class day of the
    month. I usually put a note at the bottom that never changes
    1. Payment dueŠ..
    2, Pay in cash/rmbŠ.
    3. Thank you ŠŠ

    That is easy

    Last but not least: when the program shows me a draft of an invoice it
    looks good in portrait, but when I go to print it is in landscape. Not
    good as much disappears and ends up being three pages. I need multiple
    entries with dates for sure, times are not required on each invoice. The
    split does not show the date from what I can tell. I have been playing
    with putting multiple invoices together and then doing one statement to
    shpow all of the invoices but then it shows an invoice number in the
    description and I would like the detail such as ESL classes

    Okay, I will say goodnight. It is 11:30 here in China
    Have a great day and thanks for the help. Maybe your new add-on will do
    what I need. One can only hope.


  8. Mark closed this discussion on 26 May, 2013 08:23 AM.

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