VAT detail and customer search
Simply love this App and find it has changed my life genuinely! Couple of suggestions... the first from the VAT inspector was that in the VAT report is it possible to breakdown the Purchase an Sales into individual transactions not just a total in each account. This would be hugely useful to spot errors and investigate the filed return.
When entering a sale or purchase with over 150 customers and or suppliers it takes rahter a long time to scroll to the customer, is there a way of allowing a key strok prompt, ie pressing G takes the list to the customers beginning with G.
Thanks for a brilliant brilliant solution for the small business, when are you going to include payroll?!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Admin on 02 Aug, 2013 12:41 AM
Hi Jamie and thanks for the feedback.
The reason the VAT return only includes totals per account instead of every transaction is because for businesses with many transactions the report would be long and take a long time to render, especially on older iOS devices.
For the second part about entering G to get straight to customers beginning with G, I think you can do this by pulling down on the Select Account screen to reveal the search box.
And as for payroll, the developer of iPAYE - David Langan - has been in touch with me recently about taking on the app. David is retiring and is looking for a good home for his app. I am not willing to add the complexity into Easy Books, but between us we have found a local accounting firm that are keen to take it over and maintain it in the future. So I would continue to suggest iPAYE as an option for calculating the payroll figure to enter into Easy Books.
Hope that helps,
2 Posted by Jamie Williams on 02 Aug, 2013 10:02 PM
Many thanks and have just realised i can do a transaction report to drill into each account group...brilliant.
I already use ipaye and it will be great if only it could map to doing the live paye payments that we have to use... I think.... I have taken to using something called payroo..
Thanks again for all your hard it!
Admin closed this discussion on 03 Aug, 2013 12:48 AM.