Help & Support
Our response time is currently two working days.
Did you know about our online help system? This might provide an answer for your question more quickly.
If your question isn't answered by the online help or the knowledge base, you can post a new discussion in this category. All new discussions are initially private and can only be seen by you and us. However, we may make the discussion public if we think other people can benefit.
If you do post a new discussion, please include the following information:
Which app are you using?
- iOS (runs on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)
- Mac (Mac App Store or Direct Download from the web site)
Which version number are you using?
- If you're using iOS, find out from the Information section of Settings
- If you're using Mac, find out from the About Easy Books menu.
We may not answer your question if you do not provide the information above.
This category is private — new discussions are only visible to the support staff and the original reporter.
Title | State | Replies | Latest Post | |
[Feedback] digit on Easy Books |
resolved | 5 | by Admin |
[Feedback] Esaybooks |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
Easy Books in USD |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
Which VAT/Tax setting to use for my business? |
resolved | 3 | by Admin |
How to enter sales and payments |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
Expenses paid to employee |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
VAT End of Quarter calculations |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
UK VAT rate change for Flat Rate Cash |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
Corporation Tax |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
[Feedback] bill pay |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |
Cash and Accrual Based Accouting |
resolved | 2 | by Erik Bjur |
Supporting U.S. Tax |
resolved | 2 | by Erik Bjur |
[Feedback] Audit trail |
resolved | 1 | by Admin |